January 14, 2025 Meeting
Draft Wastewater Master Plan
Council was presented information on the Draft Wastewater Master Plan (WWMP) for the municipality, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of the municipality’s wastewater infrastructure. It is an update to the District’s existing phasing plan for system expansion into established neighbourhoods and was funded through a Canada Community Building Fund in BC. The WWMP ensures that the District’s wastewater system meets current operational needs while preparing for future growth, regulatory requirements, and phased expansion. The plan focuses on capacity, condition, and compliance, followed by an updated phasing and costing plan. It concludes with a section on communications and engagement. Council had questions around the approach for phasing and public consultation. Taking the input from Council into account, the consultant, Urban Systems, will proceed with the communication plan focusing on support for establishment of Local Area Service and potential grant applications; Local Area Service is a cost sharing process for implementing neighbourhood infrastructure works and is divided by all benefiting property owners. The next round of communications will involve targeted outreach to residents in the areas identified in the draft report as priority zones for sewer installation, ensuring they are informed about the phases of work including potential milestones and expected costs. A final report and presentation to Council will be made at a Regular Council meeting once the public outreach and engagement phases of the workplan are completed, which is anticipated to be by June 2025.
Zoning Amendment – 4607 Princeton Avenue
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2333 to rezone the property from Rural Residential to Multi-Unit Residential – Medium Density to allow construction of up to 26-unit residential development. In September 2024, Council granted a three-month extension to the rezoning request, which has been instream since June 2020.
Students to Attend Feb. 11 Council Meeting
Council agreed to adjust the time of the February 11 Regular Council Meeting to 10 am instead of 6 pm to allow Peachland Elementary School students to attend the meeting.
Next Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025, beginning at 6 pm.
Council meetings are open to the public and webcast live. Find the full schedule by visiting www.peachland.ca/council. Find webcasts of past meetings at www.peachland.ca/watch. Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at www.peachland.ca/subscribe.
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